Sunday 30 January 2011

Its been a long time coming but finally we have an exhibition from the 2nd to the 8th of March. We'd love to see you all there. Lots of new work for your viewing pleasure. Originals and Prints available for purchase as well as greetings cards and anything else we can paint on.

Friday 29 October 2010

BV Open Studios 19th-21st November!

Liz Clayton is a member of BV Artist Studios in Bedminster, Bristol. She will be part of the Open Studios event running from Friday 19th-Sunday 21st November.

Thursday 19 August 2010

Hey all!

Check out the link to the Kite Festival where two of our Illustrators will be exhibiting work. You will be able to buy original artworks as well as limited edition prints, cards and cupcakes! It's free entry so we'd love to see you all there!

Sophia Bloxham and Liz Clayton will be at the Kite Festival in Bristol on the 4th & 5th of september.

Friday 13 August 2010

We are going to be doing a little bit of maintenance to the website over the weekend to iron out a few thinks and also add some new features. Stay tuned!
Finally our brand new website is up and running. Its taken a little longer than expected but we got there in the end. We hope you all find something on there to tantalise your eyeballs!

Stay tuned for more news about our artists and exhibitions!!!

Sunday 18 July 2010

Email account...check
Website.............Ummm, well its on the way

Stay tuned for news and info about what we are up to and where we will be.